Addressing your past frees you up to enjoy today.
As a seasoned therapist, I help you process difficult events that continue to hold you back from the life you imagined for yourself. You’ll find freedom from addiction, peace after trauma, and healing for your relationships. Find out more about the areas I specialize in.
sex and porn addiction counseling
Finding freedom from addiction through therapy brings back a sense of integrity and diminishes feelings of shame, powerlessness, and isolation. Your work in therapy not only impacts you; it strengthens your relationships too.
trauma counseling
Unprocessed traumatic events can show up seemingly unexpectedly through anxiety, flooded emotions, and anger. Working through these experiences in therapy brings a sense of peace to your life.
couples counseling
Betrayed trust. Growing distance. High conflict. Tension in relationships comes out in many ways. I’m here to help you bridge the gap between you and your partner and rebuild the intimacy you once enjoyed.